
Got Yarn?

Have you ever tried or heard of milk cotton yarn? It is made from cotton and milk fibers. It is a really nice yarn.

If you would like to learn about it, one of my favorite crochet blogs “Raffamusa Designs” has an excellent post about it here. She goes in depth about what milk cotton is and how it is made. Anyways if you like crochet patterns you should check it out.

I personally love milk cotton for kitchen projects. It is absorbent for dishcloths, and it doesn’t fade. See the following photo.

This is a year old dishcloth made from the same yarn that is on the ball. As you can see it doesn’t fade quickly. I think the difference in color is only due to the fact that I wetted the dishcloth to show its absorbency.

I like it for kitchen towels too. It has a more finished look than regular cotton yarn and wears well. After I wash most acrylic yarn, it starts to foof. I had made a towel for my loom towel tutorial, and I hung it in the kitchen. After a week I decided to wash it. When I took it out it was all fuzzy. I couldn’t use it in the photos.

It is also some of the softest yarn I have ever worked with. Here are some photos of an afghan I made from this yarn.

*the multicolored pink is not milk cotton. It is a cotton-polyester blend by Lion Brand.

I’m going to try to make some socks/slippers out of a purple yarn I’m reclaiming from an old project. I’m not sure of the weight. It looks to be on the thicker side, so that will determine if they are slippers or no.